Do Hostels Have Lockers?

Do Hostels Have Lockers?

While it's common for hostels to offer lockers, there are exceptions!

Smaller, budget-friendly hostels or those in regions with low theft rates might not have them (think Japan and South Korea).

So it's always best to check directly through your booking platform! Lucky for you, you can filter for lockers with us - HostelZ, your favorite price comparison tool.


Where Are Lockers Located in a Hostel?

Lockers are typically found in one of two places:

  • In-room Lockers: Within your dorm room. However, locker size varies, some might be able to fit your whole backpack, while others might only be able to fit a couple of your belongings.
  • Common Area Lockers: Larger lockers are often located in a designated area, such as near reception or in a luggage room. These are ideal for storing backpacks or suitcases.

What Types of Lockers Are Available?

Lockers vary in size and style. You'll usually find:

  • Small Lockers: Perfect for valuables like passports, electronics, and wallets.
    Medium Lockers: Suitable for daypacks and smaller items.
  • Large Lockers: Designed to hold backpacks, suitcases, and other bulky items.

small lockers

Do I Need to Bring My Own Lock?

Most hostels require you to bring your own padlock.

Some might offer locks for rent or purchase, others have lockers that lock with a code, but it's more convenient and cost-effective to bring your own - especially if you’re traveling for a long time.

We recommend combination locks so that you don't need to worry about losing a key.

I’ve also seen a guy lock his entire backpack with a bicycle chain so… to each his own I guess?

Are Hostel Lockers Safe?

No lock is 100% foolproof. Follow these tips for extra security:

  • Don't Leave Valuables in Plain Sight: Even with a locker, keep your valuables out of sight within your backpack or luggage.
  • Be Discreet: Avoid flaunting expensive items (try not to travel with them in the first place) and be mindful of who's around when accessing your locker.
    Lock Up When You Leave.


What if a Hostel Doesn't Have Lockers?

If the hostel you end up picking doesn't have lockers, consider these alternatives:

  • Ask About Other Security Measures: maybe the hostel has a safe at reception for storing valuables.
  • Keep Valuables under your pillow when you sleep and when you go out: I usually put my laptop and passport in a pouch under my pillow.
  • Choose a Secure Hostel: Look for hostels with 24-hour reception, security cameras, or key card access to dorm rooms.
  • Utilize Your Luggage: If your backpack or suitcase has lockable zippers, secure them with a small padlock.
  • Wrap It Up and Put It on Your Bed and close the bed curtains (if you have them lol): If you have a sleeping bag liner or a large scarf, you can wrap your bag up and place it on your bed. I know that’s not the most hygienic thing to do, and I wouldn’t do that in Europe (where the chances of encountering bed bugs are higher), but I’ve done it a couple of times in Asia when there was no room for my backpack in the dorm
  • Be Strategic with Packing: leave any unnecessary valuables at home!
  • Get Travel Insurance: As an extra precaution, consider getting travel insurance that covers theft or loss of belongings. This can provide financial compensation if something unexpected happens.
  • Trust Your Instincts: If you don't feel comfortable leaving your belongings in a hostel without lockers, trust your gut and look for another place.

My Experience

After 12 years of travels, I've only been stolen from a few times, either on the streets or at a 5-star resort.

Never in a hostel—which isn't to say it doesn't happen, but it's far less frequent than you might think! Most people are genuinely nice.

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