Hostel Etiquette: Do's and Dont's

Hostel Etiquette: Do's and Dont's

Ah, the hostel experience! A melting pot of cultures, a hub for new friendships, and... a crash course in hostels unwritten rules.

I've had my fair share of hostel horror stories: from a random guy calling his wife every day at 6 am in our dorm, to someone who smelled so bad that everyone ended up sleeping in the lobby. Hostel etiquette is apparently not well known by everyone...

Thankfully, after 2 years of non-stop travels, these are the exceptions rather than the rule. Most people are actually pretty great!

If you want to be a great first time dorm-mate and avoid becoming someone else's hostel horror story, here are the Dos and Don'ts of hostel etiquette.

Hostel Etiquette 101: Do's

  • Keep it Clean: No one wants to live in a trash goblin lair.
  • Respect everyone's space: Personal space is sacred. Don’t be a close-talker.
  • Keep Your Hands to Yourself: Everyone's culture is different, if hugging and touching while talking is normal in yours, refrain from doing that with people you don't know.
  • Maintain Your Personal Hygiene: Shower and deodorant are your friends. Some of my worst experiences have come from sleeping in the same room as stink monsters.
  • Sex in a hostel: If you’re feeling romantic, by all means, have fun, but get a private room.

hostel private room

  • Lights Out: You’re not a lighthouse. Turn off the lights when it’s bedtime.
  • Use Headphones: Your podcast obsession should be a solo experience.
  • Hostel tip: Bring Earplugs and an Eye Mask: Expect people to snore and some people to not be mindful about turning off the lights, so equip yourself accordingly: Block out the snoring orchestra and light show. These items are essential in any hostel packing list.

label your food

  • Hostel etiquette Alarm: Vibrate mode is your best friend. Keep your alarm close and quiet if you can.

do your laundry

  • Pack Up Beforehand if You’re Leaving Early in the Morning: Avoid the morning noise producing packing panic we all hate. Specially if you have plastic bags...

pack your stuff

  • Share the Outlets: Don’t be an outlet monopolizer. Share the power.
  • Prepare Your PJ’s + Toothbrush and Paste Beforehand: Avoid the late-night treasure hunt for your sleep essentials if you know you're going to come back late.
  • Refrain From Hanging Your Stuff on the Top Bunk Railings or Ladder: Respect the top bunk dweller’s space. Don’t turn their ladder into a clothesline.


  • Don’t Bring Food Into Dorms: Crumbs and critters are not welcome. Keep food out of the dorm.

hostel kitchen

  • Be a Loud Drunk: No one enjoys the loud, late-night party animal in dorms. Keep it quiet.

drunk in a hostel

  • Don’t Use the Dorm Room as Your Walk-in Wardrobe: Your fashion show can wait. Keep your clothes contained and change in the bathroom (if you're staying in a mixed dorm). This is especially important in hostels for couples.
  • Don’t Take Phone Calls in Your Dorm: Step outside for calls. Your dorm mates don’t need to hear your life story, and some people might be sleeping or napping.
  • Don’t Crawl Into Bed With Anyone While You’re Drunk: Stick to your own bed. Uninvited bed-sharing is a nightmare. Safety in hostels is crucial, especially for solo travelers.

hostel dorm

  • Don’t Hit Snooze 10x Before Actually Getting Up: Your snooze fest is everyone else’s wake-up call. Get up already.
  • Don't Leave Dirty Dishes or Messes in the Kitchen, Bathroom or any common areasf: Clean up your mess. You’re not Cinderella, and neither are your roommates. Understanding how hostels work includes respecting shared spaces.
  • Hostel Shower Etiquette: Don't monopolize the Bathroom or Shower for Extended Periods. Be mindful of others. Long spa sessions can wait.

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