Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome

Solo TravellerParty Hostel

How to book...

your hostels in Rome

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How to book...

your hostels in Rome

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Facilities and Amenities


Wi-Fi in Lobby/Commons

Wi-Fi in Rooms

Lockers in Rooms

Luggage Storage

Extra Services

Breakfast 4 Euro

Airport Pickup


City Tours 32-55 Euro

Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
+10 images
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome
Alessandro Downtown & Bar, Rome

How to book

Alessandro Downtown & Bar is listed on the following booking sites:

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