Hostels in Nova Scotia Hostels in Nova Scotia

You are looking for hostels in Nova Scotia? Good news, you have come to the right place.

On this page we list every single city with hostels and other budget accommodations. helps you to find your Nova Scotia hostel and compare its prices on the major booking sites such as Hostelworld, Hostelsclub and So you can sleep on a budget and save money while backpacking Nova Scotia.

All Cities in Nova Scotia

We list every single hostel in Nova Scotia and the world. In total, we have 2 cities in Nova Scotia for you. Please note that not all cities actually have a hostel to stay in. Below you can filter for cities with hostels and with no hostels-type accommodation, but guesthouses and budget hotels. This will help your planning.

All Nova Scotia hostels on a map

Alright, you are more the visual type? Planning your trip with a map is always handy.

Therefore, this map shows you all cities with hostels in Nova Scotia. It will help you to plan your trip. Just zoom in the map and click your destination for more details. Just so you know: If we do not have a hostel in a city, it is likely that there is no hostel in that city.

map for Nova Scotia

Best Hostels in Hostels in Halifax

We help you pick your hostel like no one else. Check our detailed guides to:

Our handwritten guide on Backpacking Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is the most popular of the Maritime provinces of Canada to visit. There is a major airport, both national and international, that you can fly in and out of in the major city of Halifax. Once there however, the best way to get around is with a car as bus services in the Maritimes and most of eastern Canada are very poor, expensive or non existent.

Halifax has a lot to offer as a city. It has quite a rich history for different events including the Halifax Explosion where an oil tanker exploded in the harbour and destroyed much of the city, and it was also the port from which they sent the rescue ships for the Titanic. Many of the victims of the Titanic are buried in cemeteries in Halifax and they are interesting to visit. They also have a really great museum to visit on these things as well. There is a great nightlife given that it is quite a popular city for university students. You will find majority of the Halifax hostels in the downtown area within walking distance of where you want to go or otherwise they have local buses. Ask your hostel for timetables and directions to get around.

The second most popular part of Nova Scotia to visit is Cape Breton Island. The island has many routes to drive around and you will find hostels scattered in different towns around the island. It is quite a vast area to cover so make sure you research where your hostel is on Cape Breton before you book. Make sure you definitely check out the Bras d'Or Lake and the fort at Louisbourg. You can also take the ferry from Sydney over to Newfoundland if you want to continue travelling further east.

When heading in the westerly direction from Halifax, you will be heading towards the Kejimkujik National Park. There is some beautiful scenery and hiking here if you have the time. Hostels are scattered around this area of Nova Scotia with the hostels being one per town in random different towns. Plan your route based on your hostels before you go. You can definitely stop and spend the night in Annapolis Royal at a hostel and check out the different National Heritage Sites that they have here. It is also recommended to stop by in Digby and get your feed on of the world famous Digby scallops. They are incredible.

The best time to travel through Nova Scotia is in the summer to make sure you get the full experience of the bays and oceans here. The seafood is to die for and some places you can get them to cook you a hot lobster and you can pick it up and eat it still warm if it is lobster season. They are super cheap out this way as well. There is so much to see and do here, it depends on the amount of time that you have but given the small amount of hostels in each destinations, plan your route before you go and contact the hostels to make sure you have a bed to sleep in before you get there.

expert for Nova Scotia hostels

Handwritten by local expert for Nova Scotia hostels Globetrotter

Travel Tips for Nova Scotia - from the Community

Hey fam! Here are a few more tips from the community, from them to you, and you to them. This space is dedicated for travellers to share their best tips on backpacking Nova Scotia. Have a closer look - the Hostelz community share real hidden gems, insider knowledge and overall impressions of Nova Scotia. Everyone is welcome to add something useful, funny, unexpected and the "absolutely necessary to know before you go" - share, share and then share a little more!

FAQ on Hostels in Nova Scotia

There is a lot of travel planning to do. So let us help you once again by putting together the frequently asked questions:

Finding Hostels and Prices

What hostel booking sites are best to use?

There is several hostel booking sites, such as, and While every platform has its pros and cons, there is a universal truth you as a traveler should be aware of: Not a single booking site can always offer the best prices.

This is where comes in. You can compare all major booking portals with one click.

For you as a traveler, is the best booking site to actually save money.

How much are hostels in Nova Scotia?

Prices always vary, depending on various factors. Weekends tend to be more expensive, same goes for special holidays. Please also take into account local vaction time.

You can search for exacty hostel prices in Nova Scotia here on Pick your destination and pick a date. The system will track down the prices to give an idea of what budget and prices you can expect.

When to book hostels?

If you want to stay at the best hostels, it is a good idea to have your hostel booked around 1 month before you travel. For the regular hostels, booking one week before should be okay. Yet again, this always depends.

We dedicated a full article to the topic of when to book hostels.


Safety and Packing

Are hostels in Nova Scotia safe?

Generally speaking, hostels are as safe as you make them. We highly recommend always to bring your own padlock, using the lockers and taking care of your belongings. Make sure you pick a safe hostel, offering lockers and a safe location. Please always pay attention to the reviews; they can give you a great insight on what to expect and safety tips.

What to pack when staying in hostels?

There is a few basics you should always pack when staying in hostels.

  1. Padlock
  2. Earplugs
  3. Sleeping Mask
  4. Quick Dry Travel Towel
  5. Head Lamp

There is more actually. We wrote a complete guide with more details. Read our full hostel packing list.
