Now, that is a bummer. At the moment we do not have a guide to backpacking Nonthaburi. We are working on it!
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Hostels in Nonthaburi, Thailand
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Hotels in Nonthaburi
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"Buddy Oriental Riverside Pakkred Nonthaburi is a place where magnificence and elegance of places, royal gardens, old and beautiful temples, exist to create a rich haven of arts, culture and history
"âĶ4-hour front desk are onsite. Guests can find local restaurants located within a 10-minute drive from the property. A restaurant, a coffee shop/cafÃĐ, and a meeting room are available at this hotel
"âĶIt is sit in Nonthaburi Province, where is next to Bangkok and very close to Chao Phraya River. It is very convenient to access to both Bangkok and Ayutthaya Province, because it is in the middle
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"âĶIf you will arrive at the hostel after 23:00, please let us know in advance. 4) Payment on Arrival: Cash only 5) Cancellation or amendment must be made 1 day in advance prior to arrival. 6)
"âĶ5) Cancellation or amendment must be made 3 day in advance prior to arrival. 6) Breakfast is not included. 7) NO smoking in Room, but have a smoking area. Additional Policies: - Pool access
Guest Houses in Nonthaburi
"âĶ4 km) and Donmuang International Airport, which takes 10 km for transportation and 45 km Suvannabhumi International Airport. Transportation from Super Hostel to Downtown Bangkok (Khaosan, Siam, MBK
Explore Nonthaburi
Where to stay in Nonthaburi on a budget
Affordable Hostel Prices in Nonthaburi
Wondering about hostel prices in Nonthaburi? Here's everything you need to know.
Prices for hostels in Nonthaburi start at just $10 per night. Based on our latest data, My Cocoon Hostel āđāļāđāļāļ§āļąāļāļāļ° is currently the most affordable hostel to stay in Nonthaburi.
On average, hostels in Nonthaburi cost around $4 per dorm bed per night. Compare prices from every major booking site at once on and always get the best deal. Whether you're a student, a backpacker, or looking for a budget-friendly private room, Nonthaburi has options for every budget.
Want to compare hostels side-by-side? Use our Hostel Comparison Tool to check prices, amenities, and locationsâso you can make the smartest choice.
Hostel Price Statistics & Key Numbers in Nonthaburi
Total number of hostels | 5 |
Typical dorm bed prices in Nonthaburi | $4 |
Cheapest Hostel in Nonthaburi | My Cocoon Hostel āđāļāđāļāļ§āļąāļāļāļ° for only $10 |
Popular Party Hostel in Nonthaburi | Ptj Style Condotel āļāļāļāđāļāđāļĄāļ·āļāļāļāļāļ (2 hostels for partying in total) |
For students and budget-conscious travelers, Nonthaburi hostels provide great value. Many hostels include free breakfast, shared kitchens, and social spaces perfect for meeting other travelers â everything you need for a fun and easy stay.
Ready to go on an adventure in Nonthaburi? Add your travel dates and start comparing prices, amenities, and availability. At Hostelz, we help you find all available hostels at the best prices.
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